
Your primary contact for the open house is Stefan Reinsberg.

Email: stefan@phas.ubc.ca
Office: +1 604 822 2925
Cell/WhatsApp: +1 778 917 2925

Most of the activities will be held in Hennings 318.  This is the main physics and astronomy building and is adjacent to the Student Union Building.


Can't Make It to the Open House?

If you are unable to make it to the open house we still encourage you to come check out the department, UBC and Vancouver.  

The same basic ground rules apply for individual visits as for open-house visits:

To arrange an individual visit, send a message to Stefan with your preferred visit dates. It is recommended that you plan for a full day at UBC. We would arrange for you to speak with prospective supervisors during that day, take a campus tour with a graduate student, and dependent on your interests and availability of guides, for a tour of TRIUMF and/or SBQMI.  

Please also indicate whether you would like to be billeted with a grad, and if possible, supply a list of professors with whom you would like to meet and/or the areas of research of which are particular interest to you. You may also want to stay an additional day so that you have a chance to see some of Vancouver. If you wish to be billeted, we will make every attempt to make sure that a grad student can accommodate you for the duration of your stay (two or three nights total).

Alternative Accommodation near UBC

If you aren't coming to the open house and would rather not stay with a student, here are some options.

If you want to stay near campus, there are several options that all run about $150/night:

Suites are available for a wide range of prices through the UBC housing website.

Other on-campus options are available at:


Please complete the following form: http://www.phas.ubc.ca/~heyl/expense_claim_worksheet.pdf.  You can leave the fields, PG Manager, Speedchart and Employee Number, blank.

Receipts should be mailed to:

John Ho

Finance Clerk: Open House Receipts

Dept of Physics and Astronomy

University of British Columbia

6224 Agricultural Road

Vancouver BC CANADA

V6T 1Z1

If you are splitting your expenses among several institutions or several students and cannot send an original, please note with whom you are splitting the expenses and how much you would like reimbursed by UBC on the copy of the receipt.

We will mail your cheque to the address that you supplied with your application, unless you give us an alternative mailing address. You should expect your reimbursement about four to six weeks after we receive your receipts.